The dataset of spatio-temporal water resources distribution in the source regions of Yangtze River and Yellow River (1998-2017)

2024-02-23 22:50:25 WEBDHM 5
Datasets Summary
This data is a simulated output data set of 5km monthly hydrological data obtained by establishing the WEB-DHM distributed hydrological model of the source regions of Yangtze River and Yellow River, using temperature, precipitation and pressure as input data, and GAME-TIBET data as verification data. The dataset includes grid runoff and evaporation (if the evaporation is less than 0, it means deposition; if the runoff is less than 0, it means that the precipitation in the month is less than evaporation). This data is a model based on the WEB-DHM distributed hydrological model, and established by using temperature, and precipitation (from itp-forcing and CMA) as input data, GLASS, MODIA, AVHRR as vegetation data, and SOILGRID and FAO as soil parameters. And by the calibration and verification of runoff,soil temperature and soil humidity, the 5 km monthly grid runoff and evaporation in the source regions of Yangtze River and Yellow River from 1998 to 2017 was obtained. If asc can't open normally in arcmap, please delete the blacks space of the top 5 lines of the asc file.
How to name and use data files
Data is ASCII format, data naming method: observation item + date, such as: acc_et.199801.txt The runoff unit is mm, and the evaporation unit is mm. It can be opened by software such as arcgis.
Reference way
Reference of data

Wang, L. (2019). The dataset of spatio-temporal water resources distribution in the source regions of Yangtze River and Yellow River (1998-2017). National Tibetan Plateau / Third Pole Environment Data Center.

(To download a quote: RIS Bibtex )
Article citation
 References listed in References to Articles must be cited when using this data.

1、Wang L, Koike T, Yang K, et al.(2009). Development of a distributed biosphere hydrological model and its evaluation with the Southern Great Plains Experiments (SGP97 and SGP99)[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 114(D8). ()

2、Wang L, Zhou J, Qi J, et al.(2017). Development of a land surface model with coupled snow and frozen soil physics[J]. Water Resources Research, 53(6): 5085-5103. ()

3、Qi J, Wang L, Zhou J, et al.(2019). Coupled snow and frozen ground physics improves cold region hydrological simulations: an evaluation at the upper Yangtze River Basin (Tibetan Plateau)[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124(23): 12985-13004. ()

4、Song L, Wang L, Li X, et al.(2020). Improving permafrost physics in a distributed cryosphere‐hydrology model and its evaluations at the upper Yellow River Basin[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125(18): e2020JD032916. ()

5、Wang L, Yao T, Chai C, et al. TP-River: Monitoring and quantifying total river runoff from the Third Pole[J]. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2021: 1-45. ()

Citing literature
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Funded project

1、 CASEarth:Big Earth Data for Three Poles(grant No. XDA19070000)"Spatial–temporal changes in the polar water and ecosystem" subproject (subproject No: XDA19070301)(XDA19070301)

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To respect the intellectual property rights, protect the rights of data authors, expand services of the data center, and evaluate the application potential of data, data users should clearly indicate the source of the data and the author of the data in the research results generated by using the data (including published papers, articles, data products, and unpublished research reports, data products and other results). For re-posting (second or multiple releases) data, the author must also indicate the source of the original data.

Example of acknowledgement statement is included below: The data set is provided by National Tibetan Plateau / Third Pole Environment Data Center (

License agreement
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)