Jharana Nepal - PhD

Nationality: Nepalese

E-mail: benjunepal@gmail.com /nepal.j@itpcas.ac.cn


2017-2021:  Masters Student in Environmental Science, Central Department of Environmental Science, Tribhuvan University, Nepal

2022-Present: PhD Student in Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Research Interests: Hydrology, hydrological modeling, cryosphere, climate change and water resource management.

Academic Achievement:

Nepal, J., Pant, R. R., Shrestha, S., Paudel, S., Bishwakarma, K., Awasthi, M. P., & Dhital, Y. P. (2024). Water balance estimation and runoff simulation of Chameliya Watershed, Nepal. Environmental Earth Sciences83(3), 1-15.